Junicode 2 is a radically rebuilt version of the widely used free font for medievalists, linguists, and specialists in many academic disciplines.  Junicode 2 features full compliance with the recommendation of the Medieval Unicode Font Initiative, version 4.0, plus later additions and revisions, and its OpenType programming has been rebuilt with a view to promoting accessibility and searchability in web pages and other electronic document formats.

The Junicode 2 font

  • has the same character set in all faces;
    has five weights (Light, Regular, Medium, Semibold, Bold)
  • and five widths (Regular, SemiCondensed, Condensed, SemiExpanded, Expanded);
    includes a ttf-flavored variable font with three axes: width, weight, and the custom Enlarge axis;
    has improved outlines,
  • an expanded collection of small caps (covering all case-paired characters),
  • a more comprehensive set of anchors for mark positioning,
  • and an expanded collection of OpenType features—carefully chosen and organized to promote the display of accessible text.
Font Details
Designed by: Website

Junicode Typeface