Baskerwille is a classic old style serif font family featuring a revival of Jacob’s revival of Baskerville’s typeface. It includes two fonts –  Romain and Italic, supports a complete set of glyphs.

The particularity of Jacob’s Baskerwille is that the roman is very closed to Baskerville’s typefaces while the italic is closer to Didot’s typefaces. The workshop aimed to digitalized Jacob’s font in order to testify to his work which creates a transition between transitional and modern styles.

Baskerwille typehace has kept that unusual w, which is basically twice a v, and make it the identity of Jacob’s font, since the mistake was already made. But is it ? Jacob’s Baskerwille is a strange double of Baskerville’s typefaces; a “clone” which looks alike but which is not as achieved as its master. Interesting that elementary duplication of the letter v — which signals, in a way, the counterfeiting.

Baskerwille typeface designed by ANRT students in 2017-2018.

Font Details
Designed by: Website

Baskervville Typeface