Quarry Digger is a bold sans serif typeface, with very low contrast stroke weight derived off the engine block of a wrecked 1930’s dragline digger.
Quarry Digger is an experiment in developing a typographic design language from incomplete source materials. The photographic source material for Quarry Digger is the letters ‘B’, ‘-‘ & ‘3’, which were found on the engine block of a wrecked 1930’s drag line digger located at Te Puna Quarry Park in Tauranga, New Zealand.
Quarry Digger’s design language is based on the use of regular stoke widths, open bowls, limited stroke contrast, lack of curves which function as a denotative reference to order, and rationality. Connotatively the typeface references clarity, purpose and direction.
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Designed by: Noponies | Website | |