You Dense Limestone is a part of the super type family of 16 typefaces designed during a workshop given by Lucas Descroix and Benjamin Dumond (Bonjour Monde) at LISAA Paris in April 2022.

The typeface is based on the density of a Limestone material and composed of three cuts that interpret this density in different ways.

The notion of You Dense font family is rooted in history and in usage; we use, without even thinking about it, formal variants (bold or italic, for example) to which are associated precise concepts (emphasis, introduction of a foreign language…). However, it is possible to imagine other relationships between the content of a text and its appearance, other ways of thinking about a typographic family, the logic behind it and the place of each of its members.

48 You Dense fonts have been entirely designed and generated by students during a one-week type design initiation workshop. They are available under the WTFPL license and as is, without any warranty. Neither Bonjour Monde nor the students shall be held responsible for any issue resulting from downloading and/or using the You Dense type family. That said, have fun with it!

Font Details
Designed by: Website

You Dense Limestone Font